Monday, December 28, 2009

Ahead of the New Year's Resolution Game

It's the last week of 2009 and I've just initiated Resolution #1 for 2010, which is to DO SOMETHING with this writing compulsion of mine. Whenever I've been asked about my life's goal, I say, "To have an ISBN attached to my name and to be in the Library of Congress." Well, that ain't gonna happen unless I write and I guess blogging is a good place to start. Recognizing that I'm two years into the last third of my life (if I live to be 90), I'd better hurry!

Thanks to my dear, childhood friend, Linda Medrano, for motivating me here to Blogsville. Months ago, after Linda sent me an email storylining a plumbing problem in her beautiful Victorian home that had me roaring with laughter, I urged her to DO SOMETHING with her glorious talent for telling a story. She immediately began submitting daily articles on the Divine Caroline website and, just this past weekend, created her own Google blog here. Unlike the other Linda (me, L.A. Sirianni), she's no frigging procrastinator!

Now that I'm "out," I haven't a clue what I'll do other than go on record that I'm going to DO SOMETHING with this writing compulsion of mine.

Stay tuned...


  1. Damn! It's about time Lin. So far, so good and I'm so thrilled that you are doing this! The world needs to read what you've got to write. Your writing is so witty and stylish! I'm truly delighted to see this! Now go check me out at

  2. i really like this article please keep it up. Best Leggings
